My name is Sherman Yu, a scientist during the day and a movement artist and athlete by night. Based in San Francisco, California and born in Sacramento.

Aerial Pole, Flying Pole, Sherman Yu, Male Pole, Pole

I started my pole journey in 2020 and have a dance background in hip-hop, popping, and locking. My passion for pole art eventually led to discovering flying / aerial pole and Chinese pole in 2022. I began teaching in 2023 and am known for my dynamic pole style, barefoot pole choreography and flying pole. I have competed in Pole Sport Organization, and performed in various shows within the Bay area including the Vertical.show produced by Pink Puma.


I started photography in 2016 and have continued honing my skill and personal style through collaboration with other photographers. What started as a class in college became a hobby that eventually turned into a passion. I would love to capture you in your most treasured memories and tell your stories through my lens. I specialize in portraits, dance movement, pets, and product photography.

Expected 2024, Master’s in Pharmaceutical Bioengineering - University of Washington 2016, Bachelor of Science in Evolutionary and Ecology - University of California, Merced 2014, International Exchange Program - The Chinese University of Hong Kong